

Kalahari Trailblazers

Gabe Griebenow

In our new ambassadors’ blog series, we’ll introduce you to the awesome people who taste the adventure every day! Our first trailblazer is Gabe, a Hawaii-based personal trainer who is always chasing new adventures and incorporates the great outdoors into his daily life.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Gabe and I live in Hawaii! Growing up, I didn’t have the healthiest childhood. So, naturally, as an adult I have learned to prioritize my health. This mindset eventually led me to gain knowledge and skills in medical, psychological and emotional areas of my life. I currently work as a personal trainer but I have dreams of running my own company that involve holistic health.

What does adventure mean to you?

Adventure is where curiosity meets movement. For me, it doesn’t always matter where I go, what I do or who I am with. What matters is what I discover along the way and who I am when I return home.

What is your favorite outdoor activity and what makes it special to you?

I love the ocean. I grew up with one foot on the sand and the other in the water, it was hard to get me out of the water. Whether I’m deep sea fishing with family, paddling an outrigger canoe, or surfing with friends, the ocean has always made me feel safe and at home.

Tell us about a memory or accomplishment from your adventures that you are proud of.

I was able to study in Shanghai, China for a whole semester through a study abroad program I attended in my community college. I took every opportunity I could to go out and explore the city and the neighboring districts while I was there. I became so used to the city and the culture that I could communicate and navigate around the entire city. I became so familiar with it that I can close my eyes and still imagine walking through the district from the transit station to my dorm room. It’s one of my favorite memories.

How does food and nutrition play a role in fueling your adventures?

I work as a personal trainer and I am constantly talking with my clients on how important nutrition is and how it is common to under eat when trying to lose weight. I have a strict diet and I try to consume at least 200 grams of protein in my diet every day. Kalahari is one of my favorite snacks because not only does it taste amazing but  it has a good amount of protein and the ingredients are clean! The Kalahari snacks save me at work when I am back to back with clients and need a quick protein snack and I don’t want to consume protein shakes. 

Do you have any intentions or goals this year? What are you hoping to accomplish?

My main goals for the year were to fix my finances that were affected by the pandemic and put myself out there more and model/partner with companies or brands that I resonate with. My smaller goals set for the year are to acquire 2 more health certifications for my job and to wake up before the sun every day. So far, so good!

This or That: Adventure Edition

Kayaking or Hiking

Skiing or Snowboarding

Mountains or Beach

Biltong or Crisps

Winter or Summer

Camping or Glamping

Surfing or Paddle Boarding

Cycling or Running

Beer or Wine

Explore Alone or Adventure Buddy 

Cardio or Strength Training

You can follow Gabe on Instagram @gribbz__

Photography by @mattaleong

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